Post 20 - NAS PAX Air Show 2018

10-minute read, including photo captions

2018-06-02 Patuxent Air Show-1086.JPG

With the Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy Blue Angels (among others) doing fly-overs of major cities to honor healthcare workers, first responders, and essential personnel who have put their lives at risk during this COVID-19 pandemic, it seemed appropriate for me to add my voice of solidarity and thanks for that hard-working segment of society by doing my own flyover.

In a manner of speaking.

I mean, I don’t have my own jaggle of jets (isn’t that what it’s called when you have an appreciable affinity for alliteration?), so I’m using OPP - Other People’s Planes!

The following are a series of photos from the Naval Air Station at Patuxent River, MD taken during the air show they hosted on June 2nd, 2018.

To be clear, I am not an aviation buff.

I couldn’t tell an F-Whatever from a Warthog (although I do know that the latter is both a plane and a wild pig : -)). Nor am I interested enough in the technical details to do the requisite research to sound like an “authority” in this post. So don’t expect enlightening, “insider notes” about the history and capabilities of the aircraft pictured below. Beyond telling the difference between a helicopter and a jet, I am pretty much utterly clueless, and happy to stay that way.

On the other hand, I am fascinated by aviation in general - especially high-performance jets. I hate to use hackneyed cliches (especially out-of -context political ones), but the “shock and awe” of a Blue Angels air show is something to be experienced before you can really appreciate that phrase. The sound (and the fury?) of a jet tearing a searing hole in the atmosphere as it streaks by at a couple hundred miles an hour is indescribable - so I won’t even try. I just wish they were allowed to break the sound barrier at these shows - I would love to see, hear, and feel a sonic boom close up.

I basically love all things that fly - even (or especially?) when they’re on the ground - from a purely photographic/compositional perspective. The symmetry, sleek (and sometimes repetitive) shapes, and the stark, contrasting lines of wings and cowlings trigger some deep neuroaesthetic algorithms in my brain.

That love of flying things extends pretty widely to kites, Frisbees, and toys like the X-Zylo Flying Gyroscope - I even have a collection of hand-crafted boomerangs (and yes, they do come back, when thrown properly in the right wind conditions).

2018-06-02 Patuxent Air Show-1020.JPG

We (my friend JA and I) were very lucky in terms of weather. The forecast called for afternoon thunderstorms, which very obligingly held off until minutes after the end of the show, when we were safely ensconced in the car. In fact, the impending storm put on a fantastic display of some of the best thunderheads (cumulonimbus clouds) I’ve ever seen. One massive cloud in particular, that bore down on us toward the end of the afternoon, merited its own portrait:

2018-06-02 Patuxent Air Show-2551.JPG

This event was also significant from the standpoint of the evolution of my post-processing skills.

Since I don’t have the long telephoto lenses and super-fast cameras that many air show photographers do, I felt like I wanted something else to help distinguish my images. I couldn’t show you the individual eyebrow-hairs of the Blue Angels pilot that streaked past, so while looking through this set of photos in post, I made several “artistic decisions”:

  • I would embrace the wide shots. I figured I’d crop a few frames to get some closer perspectives, but I would also “celebrate” the sweeping vistas of the smoke-trailing aerobats - something I didn’t see a lot of other photographers doing (except for in certain obvious circumstances)

  • I would gravitate toward high-contrast silhouettes - again something I didn’t see too many others doing (most others seemed at pains to produce sharp, “properly” exposed photos, not that there’s anything wrong with that)

  • I made two stylistic choices throughout the set: I “unlocked” the aspect ratios when cropping (so you’ll see some odd squares and rectangles), and I used the compositional technique of “negative space” more often than I had in the past (so you’ll see some planes on the edge of frames with “empty” space around them)

  • Finally, for the first time in my photographic life, I ventured into the realm of split-toning. At first, I experimented with the technique on the vintage propeller planes as a way to hearken back to the “olden days” of sepia and selenium toned prints, but then as I “warmed” to the effect, I tried it out with other subject matter. A new love was born, and I started using split toning more frequently after that.

For those of you unfamiliar with split-toning, it’s a process whereby you replace - or, more accurately - infuse - the highlights and shadows of an image with two different colors. It can be used for color or B&W photos, and is generally applied to a very subtle extent, to slightly alter the mood or feel of a subject.

In the example below, I chose a yellowish-mustard color (close to sepia/brown) for the highlights and a steely-blue for the shadows.

Split Toning - colors.jpg

You can see in the before-and-after screenshot below how the original color image was converted to high-contrast B&W (with deep shadows), and then how the split-toning was added.

  • Notice first of all how the highlights have taken on that yellow-mustard hue, and the shadows are now sort of steely-blue.

  • Notice secondly how the Balance slider in between the Highlights and Shadows sections shown on the right has been moved to the right by 38% (+38). That means that I have emphasized the highlights by that percentage, so the blue hue in the shadows will be less evident than the mustard hue will be in the highlights. The relative darkness of the shadows makes it even harder to detect the blue hue - that’s why you can see them better in the slightly brighter grass than in the deeper shadows.

The same technique - and hues - was used in the cloud photo above, where it may be more evident given the range of brightness values in that image.

Split Toning B_A.jpg

With these points in mind, let’s review the photos I chose from the full set of 1,843 frames I shot that day….but before we get to that, here’s a quick video “highlights reel” to whet your appetite:

We got to the show early, and started off by wandering among the static displays (aircraft parked on the flight line).

Starting you off with a shock of orange, the photo above is a close-up of the air intake manifold on a propeller plane, the make and model of which will remain a mystery due to my inherent cluelessness… : -)  (Unless, of course, someone recognizes t…

Starting you off with a shock of orange, the photo above is a close-up of the air intake manifold on a propeller plane, the make and model of which will remain a mystery due to my inherent cluelessness… : -) (Unless, of course, someone recognizes the plane and adds a comment below….)

The pointed nose of a jet (with hi-viz intake covers), shot from underneath

The pointed nose of a jet (with hi-viz intake covers), shot from underneath

The nose of the same plane as above, with radically different editing treatment

The nose of the same plane as above, with radically different editing treatment

The blunt dragonfly-visage of a helicopter

The blunt dragonfly-visage of a helicopter

The cockpit of a propeller cargo plane, given the soft-focus treatment - this is the kind of symmetry that so often attracts me to aircraft

The cockpit of a propeller cargo plane, given the soft-focus treatment - this is the kind of symmetry that so often attracts me to aircraft

The same plane as above….from below….if that makes any sense….

The same plane as above….from below….if that makes any sense….

Close-up of a propeller of the same plane as above, showing how the blades can rotate in their housings to change the “angle of attack” (and thereby the amount of thrust they produce) - see, I’m not a complete dunce, I’m just more interested in the …

Close-up of a propeller of the same plane as above, showing how the blades can rotate in their housings to change the “angle of attack” (and thereby the amount of thrust they produce) - see, I’m not a complete dunce, I’m just more interested in the “physics of flight” than in the trivia of the planes

The folded propeller blades of a plane meant to be stored on and deployed from an aircraft carrier (I think) - this may have been a V-22 Osprey VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft) used by the Marines (I think)

The folded propeller blades of a plane meant to be stored on and deployed from an aircraft carrier (I think) - this may have been a V-22 Osprey VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft) used by the Marines (I think)

If I’m not mistaken, this pilot was saying this this is the smallest/lightest air-worthy jet in the world

If I’m not mistaken, this pilot was saying this this is the smallest/lightest air-worthy jet in the world

The opening maneuver of the air show elicited many “Awww’s” from the audience.  I wasn’t one of them.  I’m a guy - I don’t say “Awww” (except when the dentist makes me).

The opening maneuver of the air show elicited many “Awww’s” from the audience. I wasn’t one of them. I’m a guy - I don’t say “Awww” (except when the dentist makes me).

Some of those pilots were pulling heavy G’s - even in prop stunt planes.  A good example of the use of negative space as a compositional device.

Some of those pilots were pulling heavy G’s - even in prop stunt planes. A good example of the use of negative space as a compositional device.

The clouds added a touch of drama to many of the photos this day….

The clouds added a touch of drama to many of the photos this day….

The old and the new - I believe the prop plane just taking off over the Blue Angels (its undercarriage still in the process of retracting) is from WWII.  Would I undermine my clueless image by identifying that as a P-57 Mustang?  Let me know if I’m …

The old and the new - I believe the prop plane just taking off over the Blue Angels (its undercarriage still in the process of retracting) is from WWII.

Would I undermine my clueless image by identifying that as a P-57 Mustang? Let me know if I’m wrong - then at least my reputation would be intact.

A hard-climbing corkscrew maneuver

A hard-climbing corkscrew maneuver

Stunt plane in a tumbling, aerobatic free-fall

Stunt plane in a tumbling, aerobatic free-fall

A close-up of the maneuver above - and another example of negative space

A close-up of the maneuver above - and another example of negative space

The Suzuki stunt plane doing a low inverted pass over the runway

The Suzuki stunt plane doing a low inverted pass over the runway

I’ll prove my ignorance once and for all: to find the name of this plane, I had to Google “Baa Baa Black Sheep” (remember that show?)It’s a Corsair, by the way….and don’t ask me for any detail beyond that - when Google started in with the alphabet s…

I’ll prove my ignorance once and for all: to find the name of this plane, I had to Google “Baa Baa Black Sheep” (remember that show?)

It’s a Corsair, by the way….and don’t ask me for any detail beyond that - when Google started in with the alphabet soup (FG-1D, F4U-7, F4U-1A, F4U-4), my eyes promptly glazed over and rolled into the back of my head.

A magnificent, high-speed tandem roll….

A magnificent, high-speed tandem roll….

….followed by a high-G loop

….followed by a high-G loop

Coming out of the loop and streaking across the sky - against a backdrop of billowing clouds

Coming out of the loop and streaking across the sky - against a backdrop of billowing clouds

The perspective here makes it look like I’m shooting this from another plane while this pilot dives in front of us, but actually this plane is flying level overhead.  One way or the other, though, I just can’t get enough of those stunning clouds!

The perspective here makes it look like I’m shooting this from another plane while this pilot dives in front of us, but actually this plane is flying level overhead.

One way or the other, though, I just can’t get enough of those stunning clouds!

Another example of negative space as two aerobats tumble in tandem with precarious precision

Another example of negative space as two aerobats tumble in tandem with precarious precision

The Blue Angels put in a silhouetted appearance

The Blue Angels put in a silhouetted appearance

Doing a low, high-speed pass just a few feet off the deck, this Blue Angel jet is literally gone before you hear it

Doing a low, high-speed pass just a few feet off the deck, this Blue Angel jet is literally gone before you hear it

Two Blue Angels - banking and climbing so hard they generate condensation trails ahead of their wings

Two Blue Angels - banking and climbing so hard they generate condensation trails ahead of their wings

The Blue Angels “diamond” flying in wingtip formation

The Blue Angels “diamond” flying in wingtip formation

I love the Blue Angels in B&W - it really highlights the crisp, clean lines of the planes

I love the Blue Angels in B&W - it really highlights the crisp, clean lines of the planes

I experimented with an infrared filter in Lightroom for this shot - I think it lends an interesting feel to the image

I experimented with an infrared filter in Lightroom for this shot - I think it lends an interesting feel to the image

Ok, I know you want to see these planes in full, living, color - so here you go…. : -)

Ok, I know you want to see these planes in full, living, color - so here you go…. : -)

Again, a jet climbing so aggressively that it generates condensation trails off the nose and wing tips

Again, a jet climbing so aggressively that it generates condensation trails off the nose and wing tips

Flying in canopy-to-canopy formation

Flying in canopy-to-canopy formation

A hard, banking formation maneuver, only a few feet apart

A hard, banking formation maneuver, only a few feet apart

Magnificent speeding arrows, all lined up….

Magnificent speeding arrows, all lined up….

Banking away from each other in a “starburst-like” maneuver - that top jet is really “sweating” with condensation

Banking away from each other in a “starburst-like” maneuver - that top jet is really “sweating” with condensation

A close-up crop of the top plane from the shot above

A close-up crop of the top plane from the shot above

All six Blue Angels begin their finale “starburst” maneuver

All six Blue Angels begin their finale “starburst” maneuver

In their finale maneuver, five jets bank at equidistant intervals outward, while the center jet continues straight over the the audience

In their finale maneuver, five jets bank at equidistant intervals outward, while the center jet continues straight over the the audience

As the planes land, the Blue Angels’ flight crew stands at attention, waiting for them to taxi in off the runway

As the planes land, the Blue Angels’ flight crew stands at attention, waiting for them to taxi in off the runway

I’m going to leave you one of my favorite types of photography: ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) - the photo above was taken with my Samsung Galaxy S-5 phone, using the Camera FV-5 Pro photo app - a 1-second shutter speed, a slight jiggle, and voil…

I’m going to leave you one of my favorite types of photography: ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) - the photo above was taken with my Samsung Galaxy S-5 phone, using the Camera FV-5 Pro photo app - a 1-second shutter speed, a slight jiggle, and voila: blurry Blue Angels!

Ok, one last photo - through the windshield of my car - the skies opened up right after the air show, just as we were getting into the car - what timing!  And what a great day!  Thanks to JA for the company, and for listening so tolerantly and polit…

Ok, one last photo - through the windshield of my car - the skies opened up right after the air show, just as we were getting into the car - what timing! And what a great day! Thanks to JA for the company, and for listening so tolerantly and politely to my music on the way home (he actually endured about an hour of post-modern minimalism without jumping out of the window!)

There are more photos not shown in this post in the Gallery - don’t forget to check that out. Enjoy!

As always, thanks for reading my blog posts! Next week we visit a truck graveyard - don’t forget your boots and bug spray!

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Elliott Garufi

CameraLingua - the language of the camera

Post 21 - Truck Graveyard - Columbia, VA


Post 19 - Super Flower Moon