Post 20 - NAS PAX Air Show 2018
General Interest, Air Shows Elliott Garufi General Interest, Air Shows Elliott Garufi

Post 20 - NAS PAX Air Show 2018

With the Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy Blue Angels (among others) doing fly-overs of major cities to honor healthcare workers, first responders, and essential personnel who have put their lives at risk during this COVID-19 pandemic, it seemed appropriate for me to add my voice of solidarity and thanks for that hard-working segment of society by doing my own flyover.

In a manner of speaking.

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Post 10 - Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

Post 10 - Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

There I was, standing alone at midnight, in one of the cavernous hallways on the third floor of this abandoned lunatic asylum when I felt a sudden, chilly breath down the back of my neck.

Chuckling nervously to myself, I thought: “It’s just your imagination, man – don’t get carried away”…right? RIGHT?!?

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